Milwaukee Craft Beer Exchange


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Milwaukee Craft Beer Exchange / Crafter Space Event

I will be giving a talk with The Crafter Space about my beer journey, how the Milwaukee Craft Beer Exchange started and where I think it’s headed. There will be beer. There will be laughs. And, there will be a whole lot of fun.

We’re going to be tasting four different IPA’s and the tasting & talk will be run by certified beer judges.

There is also going to be a live trade after the event! Bring some gems you’re willing to trade!

Wednesday, March 25th at the Rumpus Room

6:00 pm

More Details:

The Crafter Space is thrilled to have Jason Pratt and Brian Reed, Master Cicerone Candidates and Beer Judges from Tenth and Blake talk about the world of beer judging and guide us through the nuances of the IPA. In addition we will hear from Nick Cusatis, founder of a Milwaukee startup, The Milwaukee Craft Beer Exchange. The evening will conclude with an informal bottle trade hosted by Nick – So dust off the shelves and bring your best stuff! We sure will!

Have you ever wondered what it takes to judge a good beer? Wonder no more We will be tasting four unique IPAs in the company of two Master Cicerone candidates and beer judges, who will lead us through four different beers and the method used to create each of these differences. The Rumpus Room has a highly curated beer list, so you can expect to try some really unique beers. Your hosts for the evening are:

Jason Pratt, Manager of Beer Education – Tenth and Blake Beer Company, Certified Cicerone, 2015 Master Cicerone Candidate (testing in Nov), 3x MillerCoors Master Brewer’s Division “Taster of the Year” on the Expert Sensory Panel.
Brian Reed, Trade Brewer – Tenth and Blake Beer Company, Certified Cicerone, 2015 Master Cicerone Candidate (testing in May), BJCP Certified Beer Judge (National Tasting Rank).


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