Great Taste of The Midwest
As Friday swiftly approaches, there is literally only one thing on my mind: Great Taste of The Midwest.
The Great Taste is arguably the best beer festival in the nation and I am lucky enough to be in attendance this year, (thanks Mike!). Comprised of over 150 breweries, numerous food options, live music and more, this beer festival is a haven for craft beer nerds. One of this biggest reasons this festival is the standard for phenomenal craft beer festivals, is that each brewery brings their biggest, baddest, newest and most kick-ass beer. You won’t find breweries typical shelf offerings; rather you’ll see the beers guys like me stand in line for hours (even days) for, just to get a bottle or two. You’ll see beers you’ve never heard of, beers you’ve always wanted to try and beers you most certainly will never forget. If you’re lucky enough to be strolling through Olin Park this weekend as well, shoot me a tweet and lets taste some of the best beer in the world together!
As many Great Taste veterans know, Great Taste Eve is one of the coolest things happening in craft beer. Since all the breweries fly in from around the nation, they tend to get into Madison a day or two early. And, the Friday before the Great Taste festival, all the breweries participating take over every freaking tap line in madison! The eve events are arguably as awesome as the Great Taste itself. But be warned, over indulging on the eve can make for a painful Great Taste. Pace yourself, and make sure you’re in prime form for the actual event.
The Great Taste Eve Events I Want To Attend:
Brickhouse BBQ – Central Waters
Dexter’s – Toppling Goliath
Brocach – Surly
Maduro Cigar Bar – Bell’s
HopCat – Founders
House Of Brews – MobCraft
Funk Factory – O’so & More!