Wanted to update a previous list I had posted last week. I’m not looking for $4$ on the remaining beers on this FT list. I’m simply looking to move them to a good home and still get a little something in return.

Couple examples of trades I would do:
All 3 Abyss -FOR- A bottle of Black Friday
Darkness and BA Lord Lyon -FOR- BA Density
Old Rasputin, and both bottles of Dragon’s Milk -FOR- a 4 pack of The Wolf

(Basically, if you’ve got something from my ISO list, and want to deal for several bottles off the FT list, lets talk)


Here’s the updated list:(one bottle available of each unless otherwise noted)

Abyss ’16
’16 (Scotch)
’16 (Brandy)

Darkness ’16

BA Lord Lyon ’17

Dragon’s Milk Vanilla Chai
Mexican Spice

Old Rasputin XIX

World Wide Stout ’16 – 2
Vanilla World Wide Stout – 4
120 Minute – 2

Avery XOLOTL ’16

Stone Woot Stout ’17


3Sheeps The Wolf

Black Friday ’14-’16

GI BCBS (non infected)


BA Density

BA Ten Fidy
