FT: Bottle Logic Ground State, Reaction State, DSN, Byzantine Vision, Up Up ipa
Monkish Lines from Monday (have a couple growlers too if interested)
Modern times booming rollers and a can of dinosaur world
Noble anniversary release from Sunday (canniversary and one BA fudge dog)
BA speedway, Nibs and Beans speedway
MBCP, Morning wood, last buffalo
BA Darkness
Prairie bomb
Puga cobra
Infinite wishes
Beachwood tovarish
Bourbon County variants (not BW) and pre 2012 regular
Black Gold
Out of market IPAs (don’t need trillium)
BA Silhouette
Cycle Stouts (hopeful someone went this week lol)
BA Mex Cakes
BA sump
Side Project (not unfruited wilds/saisons)
Open to others if you want to try.
Traderbrewski at gmail