BA Blackout Stout 2014
Black Note 2012 & 2014 (12oz)
BB Pt5 2014
KBS 2014
CW BBS 2014 & 2015
Surly Eight
BA Narwhal 2014
ISO (in order of preference):
Any BCBS Variants
Rye and/or Cognac Abyss
Black Gold
Lakefront Black Friday
SARA Beers
CW 18
Preference of combining a few FT and at least two ISO beers. Also, preference for meeting downtown Milwaukee or anywhere south of downtown. If interested, email me at buckybeertrader@yahoo.com. Thanks!
I would pretty much give my left nut for that BA Blackout.. With that said, I really only have a Bomb!, a Sunday Morning Stout, a Vanilla Shake, and some CW Reserves for trade. I realize you are getting rid of some stouts, but if this may help you out in any future trades or anything, get back to me on any possible ratios.